In the third installment of the Rubicon Trail series, Jeep® Jamboree icon Mark Smith shows off his collection of classic Jeep brand vehicles including some amazing Jeeps including an original Bantam prototype and a CJ2A firetruck.
Jill Smith Describes Her Experiences on ...
Jill Smith, the CEO of Jeep Jamboree USA talks about growing up on the Rubicon Trail. She relives her earlier Jeep Jamboree memories and talks about the history of the Rubicon Trail – the most well known offroad trail in the world.
Mark Smith talks about the Rubicon Trail
Jeep icon Mark Smith talks about the importance and history of the Rubicon Trail. The Rubicon is the most famous off-road trail in the world and its deep-seated relationship with Jeep brand vehicles. “No other manufacturer,” says Smith, “has a vehicle – totally stock – that is 100% capable on the Rubicon.”